Class SortedAndRandomSet

All Implemented Interfaces:
java.lang.Cloneable, java.util.Collection,, java.util.Set, java.util.SortedSet

public class SortedAndRandomSet
extends java.util.TreeSet

Utility class holding a list of objects that can be returned either by size (largest or smallest) or randomly from the remaining elements in the list

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object removeLargest()
          Removes the largest element in the list.
 java.lang.Object removeRandom()
          Removes a random element from the list.
 java.lang.Object removeSmallest()
          Removes the smallest element in the list
Methods inherited from class java.util.TreeSet
add, addAll, clear, clone, comparator, contains, first, headSet, isEmpty, iterator, last, remove, size, subSet, tailSet
Methods inherited from class java.util.AbstractSet
equals, hashCode, removeAll
Methods inherited from class java.util.AbstractCollection
containsAll, retainAll, toArray, toArray, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Set
containsAll, equals, hashCode, removeAll, retainAll, toArray, toArray

Constructor Detail


public SortedAndRandomSet()
Method Detail


public java.lang.Object removeSmallest()
Removes the smallest element in the list


public java.lang.Object removeLargest()
Removes the largest element in the list.


public java.lang.Object removeRandom()
Removes a random element from the list.