Package edu.stanford.multiagent.gamer

Class Summary
ArmsRace Return an instance of a discretized Arms Race game using user specified functions.
BattleOfTheSexes Return a version of the Battle of the Sexes game
BertrandOligopoly Returns an instance of the Bertrand Oligopoly.
BidirectionalLEG Generate a Local Effect Game with a given graphical structure and a given function structure such that the function stored on an edge a to b is the same as the function stored on an edge b to a.
Chicken Return a version of the two player Chicken game.
CollaborationGame Return an instance of a collaboration game.
CompoundGame Class implements any compound game.
CongestionGame Class implements a congestion game in which there is a set of "facilities" and each player chooses some subset of these.
CoordinationGame Return an instance of a coordination game.
CournotDuopoly Return an instance of the Cournot Duopoly using user specified functions for the cost and inverse demand.
CovariantGame Return a game, where payoffs for players are drawn from a multi-normal with covariance r.
DispersionGame Class implements a specific kind of dispersion game: both action symmetric and agent symmetric as defined in the dispersion games literature, also strong, and common payoff.
DoubleOutput Outputs a game in the gambit and gametracer output formats Separated by SEP
DoubleTensor The DoubleTensor class can be used to store matrices of any dimension.
GambitOutput Outputs a game in the Gambit .nfg file format.
Game Abstract class that describes the basic game entity.
GameOutput Super class for all game outputters.
GeometricGame Class implements shared details of Geometric Games.
Global A Class to hold global parameters, utilities, etc.
GrabTheDollar Return a version of the game Grab the Dollar
GraphicalGame Abstract class implements the basic common features of graphical games.
GreedyGame Return a version of the Greedy Game
GTOutput Outputs a game in the Gametracer .gam file format.
GuessTwoThirdsAve Generates an instance of the game in which players try to guess two thirds of the average of the amounts chosen by other players.
HawkAndDove Return a version of the two player Hawk and Dove game.
LocalEffectGame Abstract class which can be used to implement any Local-Effect game.
LocationGame Returns an instance of the two player location game based on Hotelling's original model.
LongTensor The LongTensor class can be used to store matrices of any dimension
Main The main class called when GAMUT is run.
MajorityVoting Generates an instance of the Majority Voting game.
MatchingPennies Return a version of the standard Matching Pennies game.
MatrixGame Class implements the straightforward normal form game.
MinimumEffortGame Return a Minimum Effort Game The MEG was coded as a TimingGame because it was very simple to add on using the TimingGame infrastructure.
NPlayerChicken Generate an instance of the N-Player Chicken game.
NPlayerPrisonersDilemma Generate an instance of N-Player Prisoner's Dilemma game as follows.
Outcome The utility class encapsulates the notion of an outcome Action numbering starts at one
ParameterizedObject Abstract class that can be extended by any class which needs to use the parameter set-up.
Parameters Class to hold parameter array objects and return parameter info.
Parameters.ParamInfo Structure to hold parameter information
ParamParser Class for parsing command line parameters Keeps track of bookkeeping as well
PolymatrixGame Generate a Polymatrix Game with any given structure as long as the structure has been implemented as a graph class.
PrisonersDilemma Return an instance of the two player Prisoner's Dilemma
PureCoordinationMatrix Abstract class implements a normal form game which is common payoff and therefore only requires that the payoff for each outcome be stored once.
RandomCompoundGame Return a compound game based on a randomly generated symmetric 2x2 matrix.
RandomGame Return a uniformly random game
RandomGraphicalGame Generate a Graphical Game with any given structure as long as the structure has been implemented as a graph class.
RandomLEG Generate a Local Effect Game with a given graphical structure and a given function.
RandomZeroSum Create a random version of a two-player zero-sum game.
RockPaperScissors Return an instance of Rock, Paper, Scissors
ShapleysGame Return a version of Shapley's Game which is a variation on the standard Rock, Paper, Scissors.
SimpleInspectionGame Return an instance of the Simple Inspection game
SimpleOutput A very simple outputter, mostly for development purposes.
SortedAndRandomSet Utility class holding a list of objects that can be returned either by size (largest or smallest) or randomly from the remaining elements in the list
SpecialOutput This outputter uses game own output function
TimingGame Abstract class implements common features among timing games.
TimingGame.TimingGameParams TimingGameParams is a simple helper class used to store all of the parameters for the Timing Game function for one particular player.
TravelersDilemma Return an instance of the game Traveler's Dilemma
TwoByTwoGame Return a 2x2 game of a given type from Rapoport's distribution.
TwoPlayerOutput A very simple outputter, for two player games
UniformLEG Generate a Local Effect Game with a given graphical structure and a given function structure such that every edge from b to a has the same local effect as an edge from c to a.
WarOfAttrition Return an instance of the game War of Attrition
ZeroSumGame Abstract class used for representing a two-player zero-sum game.